Top 5 Things To Do In Pokhara [ WITH VIDEO ] - Vijay's Blog


A Programmer and Content Creator from Nepal


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Top 5 Things To Do In Pokhara [ WITH VIDEO ]

Pokhara is one of the popular tourist destination of Nepal and famous all round the world for its mesmerizing natural beauty and artificially created recreation activities. Many tourists from all round the world who come to Nepal cannot stop being in Pokhara and we have admit that Pokhara has really played a vital role in tourism sector of Nepal. Pokhara has everything from natural beauty to modern stuffs. You have easy accommodation and transportation facilities with many recreational activities as well as we cannot step back to phrase natural beauty of Pokhara. Heeding that I have made list of top 5 things to do in Pokhara.

5. Zipline Ride

               Pokhara has one of the longest, tallest and steepest zipline in the world. The two minutes ride has vertical drop of 2000 feet and is 1800 meters long and you travel at the speed of 120 KPH. That sounds awesome isn’t it? The incline of 56 degrees really make the ride more adventurous and fun. When you have a ride you feel like, you are entirely surrounded by nature with slight tickling in the stomach. I can bet that you have experienced such a ride in such a beautiful place of the world ever in your life, in addition do not forget to record your funny faces during ride.

4. Phewa Lake

               The second largest lake of Nepal is famous for its mesmerizing natural beauty and different recreational activities around the lake side. The reflection of Mt. Fishtail (Machapuchre) really adds beauty in the existing one. You can row a traditional boats on the lake which is wonderful experience. You can hang over with friends near the lake sides and I have add that there is a good night life with excellent bars and clubs around the lake side where you can have really good time.

3. Parahawking

               It is an award concept of paragliding with trained birds of prey. Imagine how you will feel when you are gliding hundreds of feet above the ground and a bird flew to you and rest at your arm. If you cannot really imagine at all then I’ll suggest to give a try. This concept also help to conserve the endangered species of birds. The concept is unique and obviously adventurous.

2. Ultra-Flight:

               It is a recreational aviation flight for people who enjoy adventure and natural beauty. There is a simple glider style motorized cabin flown by the captain and you are not surrounded by any sort walls or glasses, so you can feel the air up in the sky and stare wonderful natural beauty. You can observe the glaring mountains closely and I can promise that you will feel like a bird for a moment. It is not that expensive and you can give a try for peculiar fun.

1 Sarangkot

               It is 1592 m high view point and famous for mesmerizing sunrise and mountain range. Many tourist climb up the view point early in the morning to observe the jaw dropping sun rise. The golden and red glare on the white mountains really make you feel that you are surrounded by golden mountains. I cannot explain more about it, just whenever you are in Pokhara get your time and observe the wonderful sunrise at Sarangkot. Furthermore you can try para-gliding from Sarangkot which is famous all over the world.
Watch out the Video for more fun...

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