Top 5 Most Haunted Places of Nepal [ WITH VIDEO ] - Vijay's Blog


A Programmer and Content Creator from Nepal


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Top 5 Most Haunted Places of Nepal [ WITH VIDEO ]

This article does not support any kind of superstition and is for information purpose only
Paranormal activities have always allured people’s mind. Every community has the debate on paranormal. This type of division in the society among the people believing on super natural powers and people taking it as just bull shit give a rise to the more mystery behind various doubtful and weird happenings. The Nepalese society being a traditional and conservative indeed has a deep influence of paranormal. There are many places that are expected to be haunted in Nepal. Every Nepali community has a sort of paranormal story to tell. Heeding that I have made a list of top 5 haunted places in Nepal. Though the list may not cover all the places but still I’ve made an effort. Let me know the places not mentioned here which are expected to be haunted the comment.

5. The Royal Palace of Nepal

               The sad ending of beloved king of Nepal Birendra on 1st June 2001 at his own royal palace named The Narayanhity Royal Palace had made every Nepali miserable and created a great barrier in the overall development of Nepal. The fratricide attack has made the palace haunted. It is heard from the local people that they still hear firing and cries of the people from the palace during night, many pedestrians passing through the palace also reported the same happening. The royal massacre of Nepal cost 10 deaths (including the perpetrator) which may be the cause of such paranormal activities what you think?

4. Mt. Everest

               The tallest peak of the world Mt. Everest is the main spot for many mountaineers and adventure lover but it is also the spot of deadly mishaps. Every year many climbers get killed while climbing this peak and that may be the reason a specific part of Mt. Everest is named as dead zone. If you are not alert Mother Nature may attack you. Some people believe that Mt. Everest is haunted by the ghost of climber Andrew Irvine, who died while climbing this highest peak in 1924. People believe that his zeal visit the tents of other climbers and give them good wishes and confidence in their ascent. There are still many dead bodies lying on the way to the summit and this is really haunted.

3. Scary Raniban

               Raniban the English translation will be Queen’s Forest Many local people believe that Raniban is haunted. Some even repot of unusual sound coming from the wood, to be more exact the sound of woman crying at night. Even the local people do not dare to go into the wood at night. Having look in the past record we found a tragic incident that happened in this wood. A girl was raped and murdered in this forest. The incident is indeed inhuman and do you believe this can be the reason behind the haunted Raniban?

2. Water Tank of Dhapasi, Basundhara

               There is a tank in Basundhara which people believe to be haunted. According to the local people a man was brutally killed after being robbed and his dead body was thrown in the tank. People believe a man walking near the tank at night and many people are still afraid of passing by the tank at night.(Seek the video for the real images of water tank)

1 Devghat of Chitwan

               Devghat is also known Aryaghat is believed to be haunted. Skulls, bones were found here by the police on 12th July 2009. Many people also believe that some naked women come near the river and start dancing by lightning fire in their body. It is hard to believe but many people do not speak the same if there is no fact in it.

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