Deep Web and Dark Web: Explained! - Vijay's Blog


A Programmer and Content Creator from Nepal


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Deep Web and Dark Web: Explained!

deep dark web tor explained

We all know that the internet or web is vast and there is a lot of information on the internet. If someone goes on searching what is on the internet then it can be a next cyber punk thriller. So, due to this unknown and suspicious information on the internet there is the rise of two terms Deep Web and Dark Web. So what exactly is this deep web? Actually the definition is quite simple. It is the stuff on the internet that you cannot bring up with Google or any of your favorite search engines including everything from private social media profiles to hidden reddit to medical, scientific and business database to the archived pages you’d find on the way back machine and simply just any page that you can’t get into without having the actual URL and the permission to access it and all this stuff really adds up. Just think on how many Facebook accounts there are, how many companies with sensitive data and cloud storage and how many private YouTube videos are there of which only GOD knows. Although it is not possible to determine how big the Deep Web is but it is estimated that ninety nine percent of content stored on the internet is the part of Deep Web which suits it to be compared with iceberg, were Deep Web is the huge mass which you cannot see but instead of ice it is corporates secrets and junkies selfies that you cannot see.
Now let us talk about Dark Web, now Deep Web and Dark Web have some kind of similar concept but there is a great difference that makes these two terms completely different. Unlike the Deep Web sites on the Dark Web are opened to be publicly accessible however you cannot get to this places without special softwares that usually encrypts and anonymize your connection in some way. The best known system that does this is TOR which works by encrypting data when it is sent and bouncing it through number of nodes until it arrives at its destination. Each node only decrypt the enough message to where to bounce it next so only the receiving user knows the actual content. Due to this high degree of anonymity it earned a reputation for all sorts of illicit stuffs like trafficking of drugs, weapons and humans, etc. But the fun fact is TOR was not invented by some suspicious illegal group in fact TOR was actually developed by the US navy to protect sensitive military communication so it is kind of back fire for the US navy. Though the US government is busy trying to catch those who use TOR for notorious purposes. However, there are many noble user of TOR and other Dark Web, they can provide protection to human rights, activists in oppressive nations, people with strange political views, outside societies, people hiding from abuser or just folks who want more privacy in an age where people are concerned legitimately about surveillance.

With the growth of the social media and cloud storage and an online community that is increasingly aware of threats to privacy usage in the Deep and Dark Web should continue to climb rapidly but remember guys that even the best security can be defeated.

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