How to Clean Your Screens - Vijay's Blog


A Programmer and Content Creator from Nepal


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How to Clean Your Screens

how to clean screen

Most of the devices nowadays has touchscreens and obviously the physical outer layer of the touchscreen that we can basically touch is made out of glass to be more precise most of the devices nowadays use Gorilla Glass for the extra protection of your device. We can find people widely accepting the touchscreen revolution but as we all know every technology has some kind of drawbacks so does the touchscreen. People use touchscreen almost all day, touching indeed makes you feel good but the nasty finger prints on your devices really annoys everyone. No one wants irritating finger prints on their device as it hinders proper visualization of the screen and also it is unhygienic.
How can you clean you screens? Well most of the dope use their pants, shirts or anything else to clean their phone which somehow cleans the phone but is it appropriate way to clean your phone perfectly? I guess no, the exact way to clean your phone is to use a microfiber cloth and some 99 percent isopropyl rubbing alcohol which kill unwanted microscopic nasties. But when it comes to cleaning your TVs or desktop where there is no lot of touches, the thing changes a lot. You still need that trustee micro fiber cloth but instead of any solution you can use just ordinary water. Indeed it will take some time to be perfectly cleaned but water used with the polishing motion as you make your way around the screen will get you a clean screen without streaks. If you do not have any micro fiber cloth and are in dilemma of how to clean the screen and just figure out of using paper or other fibers then believe me it is the worst idea as you'll need to spend a lot of time removing tiny fiber of the material. So what you can use instead of microfiber cloth the easiest way is to use the coffee filter as it filters coffee and does not having any tiny fiber that may go off while rubbing. It is the best inexpensive option in absence of micro fiber cloth.

So, clean your screen for better experience and hygiene. Happy cleaning lads.

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